How and Why to use Cookie Tracking?

πŸͺ The following requirements must be met in order for cookie tracking to work:

  1. The demo is embedded on your website

  2. You are tracking cookies on your website

  3. The lead has filled out a form on your website

Cookie tracking will not work if any of the following are true:

  1. Cookies are not available (the user didn’t accept the cookies)

  2. The user is using a different Cookie Account (different browser windows with different email accounts, even if it’s on the same device)

  3. If the lead form is within the Storylane demo

  4. If the demo is shared through the /share URL

**Please note that cookie tracking does not work with the Direct Share URL.

Cookie tracking has two primary use cases:

  • External Lead Form Before Demo

    • The form is filled first, then the lead is passed to the demo.

  • The user has filled out a form already on your website and is a returning visitor

Last updated