You can send demo analytics as custom events to your GA Account with Google Analytics integration.
How to Integrate
Navigate to the Google Analytics integration, and click 'Connect'
Enter your Google Analytics measurement ID in the field (see the screenshot below)
Once finished, the status will change to 'Connected'
If you want to make any change to the GA measurement ID, or uninstall the integration, just click on the settings icon.
If you've integrated Google Analytics already in the past, and want to move over, please do the following:
Remove the v1/analytics.js
Remove the v1/storylane.js
Then go through the GA integration on the Integration page by entering Measurement ID
Copy over the new embed code with v2/storylane.js
Verify the Integration
You can install Google Tag Assistant to test and verify the events coming from your page.
Custom Events
Below are the custom events sent to GA from Storylane
Demo opened - sent when the demo is opened
"name": "sl_demo_open",
"params": {
"demo_id": "xxxxx-363b-4d39-9ecc-87c4b6212a42",
"demo_url": "",
"demo_name": "xxxxxxx"
"timestamp_micros": "1664291507089000"
Demo finished - sent when the demo is finished
"name": "sl_demo_finished",
"params": {
"demo_id": "xxxxx-363b-4d39-9ecc-87c4b6212a42",
"demo_name": "xxxxxxx",
"demo_url": ""
"timestamp_micros": "1664291507089000"
Step viewed - sent when the step in the guide is viewed
"name": "sl_step_view",
"params": {
"demo_id": "xxxxx-363b-4d39-9ecc-87c4b6212a42",
"demo_url": "",
"demo_name": "xxxxxxx",
"flow_id": "xxxxx-e7ef-4687-a88e-91630da34d89",
"flow_name": "Flow 1",
"chapter_id": "xxxxx-e7ef-4687-a88e-91630da34d89",
"chapter_name": "Chapter 1",
"step_id": "xxxxx-61c3-44cb-8ad9-0c2c24cf18c0"
"timestamp_micros": "1664291511150000"
Flow started - sent when the flow is started (deprecated - see chapter_start)
"name": "sl_flow_start",
"params": {
"demo_id": "xxxxx-363b-4d39-9ecc-87c4b6212a42",
"demo_name": "xxxxxxx",
"demo_url": "",
"flow_id": "xxxxx-e7ef-4687-a88e-91630da34d89",
"flow_name": "Flow 1"
"timestamp_micros": "1664291510912999"
Chapter started - sent when the chapter is started
"name": "sl_chapter_start",
"params": {
"demo_id": "xxxxx-363b-4d39-9ecc-87c4b6212a42",
"demo_url": "",
"demo_name": "xxxxxxx",
"chapter_id": "xxxxx-e7ef-4687-a88e-91630da34d89",
"chapter_name": "Chapter 1"
"timestamp_micros": "1664291510912999"
Flow ended - sent when the flow ends (deprecated - see chapter_end)
"name": "sl_flow_end",
"params": {
"demo_id": "xxxxx-363b-4d39-9ecc-87c4b6212a42",
"demo_name": "xxxxxxx",
"demo_url": "",
"flow_id": "xxxxx-e7ef-4687-a88e-91630da34d89",
"flow_name": "Flow 1"
"timestamp_micros": "1664291553205000"
Chapter ended - sent when the chapter ends
"name": "sl_chapter_end",
"params": {
"demo_id": "xxxxx-363b-4d39-9ecc-87c4b6212a42",
"demo_url": "",
"demo_name": "xxxxxxx",
"chapter_id": "xxxxx-e7ef-4687-a88e-91630da34d89",
"chapter_name": "Chapter 1"
"timestamp_micros": "1664291553205000"
Page viewed - sent when the page is viewed/changed
Tracked only on HTML demos
"name": "sl_page_view",
"payload": {
"demo_id": "fhjksf",
"demo_url": "",
"demo_name": "Cool demo",
"page_id": "slkfjlsjf-ksjf-fsdfsf4r34",
"page_name": "Pricing page html"
Lead captured - sent when a lead is captured or identified
"name": "sl_lead_identify",
"params": {
"demo_id": "xxxxx-363b-4d39-9ecc-87c4b6212a42",
"demo_name": "xxxxxxx",
"demo_url": "",
"email": "",
"name": "Peter",
"source": "internal_form",
"lead_first_name": "Peter",
"lead_last_name": "Josh"
"timestamp_micros": "1664291550241000"
Primary CTA opened - sent when user clicks the primary CTA
"name": "sl_primary_cta",
"params": {
"demo_id": "xxxxx-363b-4d39-9ecc-87c4b6212a42",
"demo_url": "",
"demo_name": "xxxxxxx",
"flow_id": "xxxxx-e7ef-4687-a88e-91630da34d89",
"flow_name": "Flow 1",
"chapter_id": "xxxxx-e7ef-4687-a88e-91630da34d89",
"chapter_name": "Chapter 1",
"step_id": "a67a0b5f-b2ac-49f1-80ea-3a2b22062562"
"timestamp_micros": "1664291554523000"
Secondary CTA opened - sent when user clicks the secondary CTA
"name": "sl_secondary_cta",
"params": {
"demo_id": "xxxxx-363b-4d39-9ecc-87c4b6212a42",
"demo_name": "xxxxxxx",
"demo_url": "",
"flow_id": "xxxxx-e7ef-4687-a88e-91630da34d89",
"flow_name": "Flow 1",
"chapter_id": "xxxxx-e7ef-4687-a88e-91630da34d89",
"chapter_name": "Chapter 1",
"step_id": "215458c6-732b-410d-9205-d1440e604478"
"timestamp_micros": "1664291554523000"
Convert CTA opened - sent when user clicks the convert CTA
"name": "sl_convert_cta",
"params": {
"demo_id": "xxxxx-363b-4d39-9ecc-87c4b6212a42",
"demo_name": "xxxxxxx",
"demo_url": "",
"step_id": "215458c6-732b-410d-9205-d1440e604478",
"flow_id": "xxxxx-e7ef-4687-a88e-91630da34d89",
"flow_name": "Flow 1",
"chapter_id": "xxxxx-e7ef-4687-a88e-91630da34d89",
"chapter_name": "Chapter 1",
"ext_url": ""
"timestamp_micros": "1664291554523000"
External link opened - sent when a user clicks a CTA button and is directed to an external URL
"name": "sl_open_external_url",
"params": {
"demo_id": "xxxxx-363b-4d39-9ecc-87c4b6212a42",
"demo_name": "xxxxxxx",
"demo_url": "",
"step_id": "53813cdb-cae4-4f1e-b5e9-8bb484f1ceb0",
"step_index": "xx",
"flow_id": "xxxxx-e7ef-4687-a88e-91630da34d89",
"flow_name": "Flow 1",
"chapter_id": "xxxxx-e7ef-4687-a88e-91630da34d89",
"chapter_name": "Chapter 1",
"ext_url": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
"timestamp_micros": "1664291560202000"
Checklist item viewed - sent when the user opens a checklist item
"name": "sl_checklist_item_view",
"params": {
"demo_id": "xxxxx-363b-4d39-9ecc-87c4b6212a42",
"demo_url": "",
"demo_name": "xxxxxxx",
"checklist_item_id": "b87f66e1-7467-4394-854f-a082e25a469a"
"timestamp_micros": "1664291560202000"