Engage prospective buyers when they visit your G2 profile
You can now add your interactive demos to your G2 profile and invite your prospects as well as visitors to interact with your demos, if you're a paid customer of both G2 and Storylane.
All you have got to do is,
Step 1: Login to your G2 dashboard and click on the very first option of the left-sided panel "Product Profile".
Step 2: From the dropdown, click on "Interactive Demo". Here, you'll find an "Add Demo" CTA. Click on this.
Step 3: In the next screen (as seen below), enter the url of the demo that you created on your Storylane dashboard and the preview image you wish to set for the demo. Hit save.
Buyer Insights
The insights you'll receive when a prospect interacts with your demos on G2 are identical to what you get while embedding on your website/ sending it to buyers, and will appear inside the Analytics section. This will include views, clicks and form submissions.
Note: You don't have to create new copies of demo to track your G2 engagement. You can simply create aliases (new links) of your demo and embed the alias onto G2. Storylane analytics will then track engagement data from G2 separately for the alias link.
Last updated