
Create new leads and send demo analytics to HubSpot

Storylane directly integrates with HubSpot. With the integration, you can:

Identify Leads

There are a few ways in which you can identify new leads. You can refer to the article on Lead Tracking to learn more.

Setting up the integration

See below Storylane example on how to integrate in 30 seconds.

Demo Data with HubSpot

Once integrated, you will see demo analytics populated both as custom property and custom event in your HubSpot contacts. They will be under a group called Storylane in the properties of a contact.

Storylane Custom Properties & Custom Events

Custom properties

Storylane Demo Name - last viewed demo

  • type: String

  • name: sl_last_demo_name

Storylane Demo Viewed At - when the demo was viewed last

  • type: DateTime

  • name: sl_last_demo_at

Storylane Demo Time (secs) - time spent in seconds

  • type: Number

  • name: sl_last_demo_time_secs

Storylane Demo Complete (%) - percent of steps completed

  • type: Number

  • name: sl_last_demo_completion_percent

Storylane Demo Link - link to the demo

  • type: String

  • name: sl_last_demo_link

Storylane Demo CTA Clicked - CTA url clicked by the user

  • type: String

  • name: sl_last_demo_cta

Storylane Demo Checklist Completed - a checklist of features completed

  • type: Boolean

  • name: sl_last_demo_checklist_completed

Storylane Demo Sessions - total count of demo sessions by the lead

  • type: Integer

  • name: sl_demo_sessions

Here’s the reference on how it looks in Hubspot when a lead is captured in Storylane.

Custom Events

Here’s the reference on how it looks in the HubSpot contact activity feed. If you have multiple demos or each time a demo is viewed, then a custom timeline event will be populated for the contact

Installing Storylane app from HubSpot Marketplace

Once you're in the HubSpot app marketplace, type in Storylane in the search box which will display the app in the dropdown search results.

Next, once the app is installed, go to Storylane's login page and use your account credentials to log in. Inside the Storylane dashboard, go to Settings and then to Integrations to locate the HubSpot integration.

On the HubSpot integration, click on the β€œConnect” button to successfully conclude the integration process. Once HubSpot is connected, leads captured through published demos will be synced to HubSpot Contacts and the analytics tab will start populating the lead information.

After 5 mins the demo analytics will be synced with HubSpot as well (custom Storylane fields in Contact object and timeline activities).

Last updated