Lead Attribution Tracking?

How to Set Up Using Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Add Storylane SDK quickly using Google Tag Manager without any engineering effort.

  1. Sign in to Google Tag Manager and select β€œWorkspace”.

  2. Click on β€œAdd a new tag” and name it "Storylane Tag".

  3. Click Edit on Tag Configuration and under custom, select Custom HTML.

  4. Copy the tracking script below and paste it into the HTML field. Hit Save.

<script>(function(){"use strict";function e(t){var r=t.head;if(!r)return;var i=t.querySelector('script[src="https://js.storylane.io/js/v2/storylane.js"]'),n=t.querySelector('script[src="https://js.storylane.io/js/v1/storylane.js"]');if(i||n)return;var s=t.createElement("script");s.type="text/javascript",s.async=!0,s.src="https://js.storylane.io/js/v2/storylane.js",r.appendChild(s)}e(window.document)})();</script>
  1. In the Triggers popup, click Add Trigger and select All Pages.

  2. Once the trigger has been added, click on Publish at the top of your GTM window and that’s it!

Last updated