
Customize demos to match your company brand's look and feel.

You can customize and brand your demos to look and feel as if they were built in-house.

You have 4 branding options available:

The Storylane watermark logo appears in the bottom right corner of a published demo. Once you upgrade to a paid plan, the watermark logo will be removed.

👉 Custom favicon for demo pages

By default, the favicon for demo pages is the Storylane logo. However, you have the option to upload your own favicon by navigating to the settings > workspace.

👉 Custom logo in demo share page

If you share a demo using a Storylane-hosted page, you have the flexibility to customize and replace the logo in the top left corner with a logo of your choosing. To do this, simply navigate to the settings > workspace section, where you can upload your logo and provide its URL.

Give prospects a custom link to book a demo or start free, directly on the interactive demo page, in the top right corner (Only for Screenshot Demo).

👉 Subdomain

Usually, demos are accessible at However, you have the option to personalize the URL by adding a subdomain, such as To achieve this, go to the settings > workspace > Domain section and click on 'Set up' under Storylane Subdomain.

Last updated