How to add or subtract a Date & Time token?

Date and Time tokens enhance demos, especially in products where date and time are important in the data which is reflected in the demo. Adding and subtracting date/time tokens further enhances the "realness" your user will feel when viewing your demo.

You have full flexibility to add/subtract: years, months, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

How to add and subtract date/time tokens:

  1. Insert any date/time token

  2. Whichever value you'd like to edit, add a vertical bar | and then the operation.

  3. In the text trigger menu, a preview is generated so you can ensure it will appear properly.

Example 👇

Here is an interactive demo showing step-by-step how it works for each token value 👇

For Years

To add years: {{$M/d/yyyy|+NY}}

To subtract years: {{$M/d/yyyy|-NY}}

*N value = number of years, e.g. 1,2,3

For Months

To add months: {{$M/d/yyyy|+NM}}

To subtract months: {{$M/d/yyyy|-NM}}

*N value= number of months, e.g. 1,2,3

For Days

To add days: {{$M/d/yyyy|+Nd}}

To subtract days: {{$M/d/yyyy|-Nd}}

*N value= number of days, e.g. 1,2,3

For Hours

To add hours: {{$LT|+Nh}}

To subtract hours: {{$LT|-Nh}}

*N value= number of hours, e.g. 1,2,3

For Minutes

To add minutes: {{$LT|+Nm}}

To subtract minutes: {{$LT|-Nm}}

*N value= number of minutes, e.g. 1,2,3

For Seconds

To add seconds: {{$LTS|+Ns}}

To subtract seconds: {{$LTS|+Ns}}

*N value= number of seconds, e.g. 10,20,30

Last updated