Managing Demos

Features to help you organize and reuse demos

As soon as you create more demos the following features will be helpful:

Translate & Duplicate Demos

Duplicate a Demo

Organize Demos in Folders

Copy screens from one demo to another

Move Demos To Another Team

Translate & Duplicate Demo

Need your demo accessible in multiple languages but don't have time to translate each step manually? We've got you! With Translate & Duplicate, you can duplicate your demo and translate its content into any language in just a few clicks.

Try Interactive Demo Yourself πŸ‘‡

Duplicate a Demo

Here is a quick interactive tour of how to duplicate your existing demo πŸ‘‡

Organize demos in folders

Here is a quick interactive tour of how to create new folders and organize your demosπŸ‘‡

Copy screens from one demo to another

Here is a quick interactive tour of how to copy screens from one demo to another πŸ‘‡

Note: You can only copy screens from a Screenshot Demo to another Screenshot Demo, and from an HTML Demo to another HTML Demo

Move A Demo To Another Team

Last updated