March 29, 2023
New Features
The following set of releases are geared towards making Storylane completely self-serve and are focused on the demo URLs customization,
Company Logos: You can now upload your company logo by yourself in the settings section. This will automatically superimpose the logo on all your demos and help you maintain your own branding on your demos.
Favicon: Remember the small icon accompanying the page you're on in your browser tabs? You can now update these icons, called as favicons, as well with your company logo, again to be automatically applied to all your demos.
Subdomain: You can now also update the subdomain of your demo URLs to your organization name (or anything else) by simply adding the new name in the Storylane subdomain field, inside settings. Please remember this is not available in free plans and if you're on a growth plan, you can update your entire demo URL (not just the subdomain) to carry just your company's name.
And below is how, you can go about making the above changes,
Last updated