January 9, 2023

New Feature

  • Batch update font in demo screens: change and update the font type for all tooltips by clicking on "batch update" in a widget, choosing the font type from the drop-down menu, and clicking "update".

Pick a font style from the drop-down menu


  • Duplicate step in the demo screen: create a duplicate of any widget in the demo editing screen by clicking the "duplicate step" icon. The duplicated step will be placed in the same position and screen as the original step.

Duplicate any step in a demo
  • Icons in profile settings: all options in the profile settings have been updated with corresponding icons next to them.

  • Published demos in preview mode: when you click a published demos, it will open up in "preview" mode. For unpublished demos, it will open the demo in "editor" mode.

  • Add border color to buttons: choose to add a border color to widgets having a primary and secondary CTA button.

  • Demo editor changes: Updated the WYSIWYG editor so that the widget box is not partially hidden behind the editor.

  • Image and video widgets: Image and video widgets are both housed in the "Media Modal" widget.

Last updated