May 21st, 2024

Welcome to another update from Storylane! Let's jump into the latest releases and announcements 🚀


Demo Hub - Request Access

One demo is not enough to educate and convert your buyers. They prefer watching many short demos rather than one long demo. This is where the Demo Hub helps:

Centralize demo discovery. Let buyers explore different features and use cases in one place, boosting their education and decision-making throughout the sales process.

Convert viewers into buyers at peak moments. Optimize every touchpoint for conversion and capture interest at peak moments with always visible CTA buttons across your demos and with chatbots.

CTA (Call-to-Action) to "Exit Guide" in HTML demos

You can now set the primary Call-to-Action (CTA) to "Exit Guide". This feature empowers your audience to exit the guided demo seamlessly, allowing them to explore your product independently at their own pace. Previously, this option was only available in the secondary CTA, but with this update, you can now highlight the exit option in the main attention area.

Improved Demo Folders Location

The demo folders are now more intuitively placed inside the Demos page. This adjustment aims to enhance your workflow by making it easier to organize and access your demos.

Thank you for being our partner. Stay tuned for more updates! 🌟

Last updated