Integrate with Intercom to send captured leads and events
By integrating Storylane (Sl) with Intercom, you can push the leads captured in the demo and their corresponding events to your Intercom.
What are the fields captured?
Demo Name
- last viewed demo
type: String
name: sl_last_demo_name
Demo Viewed At
- when the demo was viewed last
type: DateTime
name: sl_last_demo_at
Demo Time (secs)
- time spent in seconds
type: Integer
name: sl_last_demo_time_secs
Demo Complete (%)
- percent of steps completed
type: Percent
name: sl_last_demo_completion_percent
Demo Link
- link to the demo
type: Url
name: sl_last_demo_link
Demo Checklist Completed
- checklist of features completed
type: boolean
name: sl_last_demo_checklist_completed
Demo CTA Clicked
- CTA url clicked by user
type: Url
name: sl_last_demo_cta
Demo Sessions
- total count of demo sessions by the lead
type: Integer
name: sl_demo_session
Here’s the reference on how it looks like in Intercom when a lead is captured in Storylane
When is the lead captured?
Storylane tracks two events in the demo:
sl-flow-started - This event is triggered and sent to Intercom when a lead starts the flow.
sl-demo-engaged - This event is triggered and sent to Intercom when the lead stops engagement with the demo. This event will include stats like time spent on the demo, percentage completed, etc.
You can find these under the “Recent Events” section.
Please note: No information is sent for anonymous/unknown leads. If you’d like to push the leads to your Intercom, ensure you use the email param or a lead form.
Last updated