With Segment integration, you can send demo analytics as events to your Segment Account
How to Integrate
First, you will need to get your HTTP API write key from Segment by following the instructions here.
Share the write key to support team so it can be enabled for your account
Once Segment is enabled, you will start receiving custom events when user engages with demo
See demo on how to add source and get write key
Custom Events
Demo opened - sent when demo is opened
"anonymous_id": UUID,
"event": 'sl_demo_open',
"properties": {
"demo_id": UUID,
"demo_name": String,
"demo_url": URL
Step viewed - sent when flow step in guide is viewed
"anonymous_id": UUID,
"event": 'sl_step_view',
"properties": {
"demo_id": UUID,
"demo_name": String,
"demo_url": URL,
"flow_id": UUID,
"flow_name": String,
"step_id": UUID
Flow started - sent when flow is started
"anonymous_id": UUID,
"event": 'sl_flow_start',
"properties": {
"demo_id": UUID,
"demo_name": String,
"demo_url": URL,
"flow_id": UUID,
"flow_name": String
Flow ended - sent when flow ends
"anonymous_id": UUID,
"event": 'sl_flow_end',
"properties": {
"demo_id": UUID,
"demo_name": String,
"demo_url": URL,
"flow_id": UUID,
"flow_name": String
Lead Identify - sent when lead is captured or identified
"anonymous_id": UUID,
"user_id": UUID,
"event": 'sl_lead_identify',
"properties": {
"demo_id": UUID,
"demo_name": String,
"demo_url": URL,
"lead_id": UUID
CTA opened - sent when CTA is clicked by user
"anonymous_id": UUID,
"event": 'sl_cta_click',
"properties": {
"demo_id": UUID,
"demo_name": String,
"demo_url": URL,
"cta_url": URL
Checklist completed - sent when all flows are opened by the user
"anonymous_id": UUID,
"event": 'sl_checklist_complete',
"properties": {
"demo_id": UUID,
"demo_name": String,
"demo_url": URL