
To embed your demo into a Hubspot website or landing page, please refer to this article.

Inline Embed without CTA

Inline Embed with CTA

Supported Platforms

Below is a list of platforms that are supported out-of-box for embedding Storylane demos.

Explore 'how-to' interactive demos for each one below:

oEmbed Support

  • Storylane demos support oEmbed standards which means you can add the demo story URL to many different platforms or services apart from the ones mentioned above.

  • If you are using iFramely or Embedly, you can use the demo URL directly. But for manual implementation you can use the oEmbed API that we support.

  • https://api.storylane.io/oembed/meta?url=https://app.storylane.io/share/ha3eti5gqq2c

  • Here, the value of url query parameter needs to be replaced with the demo URL.

Last updated